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Design 101

Assessment 1 - Visualization  

Haiku: Portal 2

Thinking with portals;

In and out, blue and orange;

The cake is a lie.

Source:Game Haiku. (2010 24). Retrieved March 8, 2020, from

Poster 1: Invert and connect

The haiku is originally inspired by a game called Portal, It a 3D first-person puzzle game that was released in 2007. This poster was inspired by the elements of puzzles and 3D space of the game. As this poster is restricted with only geometric shapes and B&W, I created both negative and positive space. Many gestalt principles were applied in this poster such as closure, repetition, contrast, similarity, area, and symmetry. By using the technique closure, the poster looks 3D as our brain fills the missing lines automatically. Repetition and similarity were both created by drawing mostly straight lines in only three directions throughout the poster, the lack of direction makes all the lines look similar to each other. Elements of contrast and symmetry were both created with the centerline across the page with one side black and the other side white and the portals connecting both sides.
(The poster's in the studio during the lockdown, so I can't get a higher quality picture which I was going to take before lockdown happens.)


Poster 2: Gravity

The title "Gravity" was an element I discovered in the haiku. This movie poster does not have a character in it, instead, the cake is the main element in this poster. Many principles mentioned in the lectures were used in this poster such as alignment, contrast, proximity, and colour scheme. Alignment in this poster can be found by the angle of the stairs, the corner of the walls and the edge of the floor. The contrast can be found by comparing the blue portal and the orange portal, the bright green colour of the title is also contrasting with the darker colour of its surroundings. Proximity is shown as the movie title and the director is grouped together with different sizes texts. Colour schemes are an important element in this poster, you can see the complementary colour scheme takes place in this poster such as white to grey to black and blue and orange.

Poster 2-2.png

Poster 3: The Untruthful Cake

This storyboard is for a scientific fiction movie trailer, the scene is set in the future and most of the story is set in outer space. The only character is the scientist who's working in the teleportation lab. Many techniques were used in this storyboard to express the ideas. The high angle long shot for the first two scenes is showing the situation in the lab and the working environment our character is in. A close up of the scientist's face to show the terrifying explosion as the camera zoom out along with the explosion (Red arrows represent the camera and character movements). A first-person view to show the scientist slowly opening his eyes and come to the realisation of himself been teleport to outer space. An extreme close up on his eyes to show panic and surrounding check. As he landed on the moon, an over the shoulder shot to show the meteor hits the moon. A high angle extreme long shot of him walking towards the glowing meteor to show loneliness and emptiness. As he touches the meteor (The Cake), it exploded and the storyboard ends with him slowly opening his eyes in another terrifying situation. 
The storyboard is constructed using mostly grey colour scheme with a verity of different colour value and saturation. 

Poster 3.png

Read from left to right, top to bottom. The red arrows represents the camera and character movements. thick arrow for camera, thin arrow for character movements.

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